Our tutors

Mrs. S. Thomas
Centre Coordinator for Education and Tutor

Mrs. Thomas grew up in Germany and has a master’s degree in Theology. She is also a leader for Jesus Youth and has organised many of their evangelisation initiatives for children, youth, and families, including training, retreats, and conferences. She is married to Abhy and has four young children.

Mrs. Rafferty
Centre Coordinator for Operations and Tutor

Mrs Rafferty was born and raised in South Africa, has a bachelor’s degree in English and History and trained for her PGCE at Christian Brothers’ College, Pretoria. While living in South Africa, she was a catechist for 8 years, sparking her interest in apologetics and defending the Faith. She started working in the UK as a teacher in 2007. She is married to Liam and they live with their children in Cambridgeshire.

Miss Toth

Miss Toth gained her BA in Theology from King's College London, where she specialised in biblical studies. After graduating she worked in accountancy for several years. She has volunteered with young people in a range of contexts, both parishes and schools, as well as with the ASCENT Catholic discipleship process. In her spare time she loves being outdoors as much as possible!

Mrs. Kelliher

Originally from Brazil, Mrs. Kelliher has been a PE and dance teacher since 2010 and has also worked as a teaching assistant in the U.K. She met her husband James while working on the preparations for the 2013 World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro. They are delighted that their daughter is now old enough to join the Regina Caeli UK family!

Mrs. Cephas

Mrs. Cephas was a physiotherapist in India before she moved to the UK ten years ago. She went on to study IT and worked as an automation test analyst. She and her family love travelling. They recently moved to Bedfordshire and feel blessed to be part of this wonderful Catholic community and education system.

Mrs. Gregorczuk

Mrs. Gregorczuk studied journalism at Cardiff University, holds an MA in International Journalism and has been working in TV and Radio for over a decade. Her passion is motherhood and translating the Word of God into the home environment. Marta and her husband Lukasz are members of Cor et Lumen Christi Catholic Community.

Mrs. Pearce

Mrs. Pearce began her career as a scientist with a degree in Biochemistry and a Masters in Immunology. She subsequently obtained her PGCE and spent nearly fifteen years working as a primary school teacher with a specific focus on science and curriculum development. Mrs Pearce lives in North Hertfordshire with her husband and two teenage children.

Dr. Bull

Dr Bull gained his BA in Theology and Religious Studies from St Mary's University, Twickenham. A few years later, he earned his MA and PhD at King’s College London in Early Christianity and Church History. Since 2013, he has been working in a variety of different settings, including schools, churches, and youth centres, as a youth worker. During this time he wrote his own catechetical courses and delivered them to over 750 young people.

Dr. Retter

Dr Retter was born and raised in Sydney, Australia. After attaining his undergraduate degrees in economics (University of Sydney) and law (University of New South Wales), he qualified as a lawyer and worked in commercial law for five years. In 2009, he settled in Cambridge to undertake further studies for an LLM degree, and then for doctoral and postdoctoral research in international law and legal philosophy. He is co-editor of International Law and Peace Settlements (CUP) and The Cambridge Handbook of Natural Law and Human Rights (CUP), and is currently working on a monograph entitles Human Rights After Virtue. While in Cambridge, he met his now wife at the Fisher House Catholic Chaplaincy. Dr Retter and his wife, Lucia, have four boys.

Mr. Blissett

Mr. Blissett grew up in the Kent countryside, has a DipHE in Philosophy from the University of Edinburgh, a BA in History from the University of Sussex and a PGCE from the University of Oxford. Since converting to the Catholic faith in 2015, Mr. Blissett has been working in mainstream Catholic schools, teaching Religious Education and PSHE, as well as a year of primary teaching in Year 5. Mr. Blissett receives regular formation with Opus Dei, and volunteers in his parish for the SVP and as a lector. Mr Blissett, his wife Ester, and three children are very excited to be moving to Bedfordshire to join RCA and begin a new adventure in classical education.

Our tutor assistants

Mrs. Chidell

Mrs Chidell is from Colombia and has been living in the UK since 2020. She has a bachelor’s degree in graphic design and a master’s degree in marketing from the University of the Andes, Bogotá. She volunteered in a social program for disadvantaged mothers and children in Colombia and has also taught catechesis to children and young people.

Mrs. Luke

Mrs. Luke is a mother of four children and is married to her husband, Jets Luke. Her two older boys joined RCA in 2022 and the family relocated to Silsoe from Dartford in Kent. Mrs. Luke enjoys homeschooling her children and the family is very happy to be part of the RCA community. She has a Masters in Chemical Engineering and has over ten years of experience working in the manufacturing sector.

Support Staff

Mrs. Kay
Admissions and Development Coordinator

Mrs Kay is married to Martin and is the mother of three adult children. She is a graduate in French and German from Bedford College, London University and worked as a medical secretary in the National Health Service before retiring. Martin and Barbara were part of the community at Christ the King Church, Bedford for more than thirty years before moving to Rutland in November 2023; Barbara continues to work for RCA remotely from there. Barbara is also the Northampton Diocese Representative of the Latin Mass Society. She loves nature and the countryside, is a life member of the National Trust and enjoys making cross-stitch greetings cards for family and friends.

Mr. Peachey
Curriculum Consultant

Mr Peachey has degrees in History from the University of Oxford, English from the Open University, and Chinese Studies from SOAS, University of London, as well as a postgraduate diploma in Lake District Studies from Lancaster University. An avid collector of degrees, he is currently working on a PhD in Theology at the University of Nottingham. He has taught a wide range of subjects in schools and to home school groups, including History, English, Critical Thinking, Drama, Government and Politics, Latin, and Theology. Mr Peachey is the author of eight books on topics as varied as Catholic education, literature and history. Two of these books - A Little Book of British Saints and Meg and the Great British History Mystery - were written specifically for Regina Caeli Academy. Mr Peachey and his wife have two children and, to his great surprise, an expanding menagerie of pets.


Thomas Pink

Thomas Pink is Professor of Philosophy at King's College London. He read history and philosophy at Cambridge, where he also received his PhD. After working for four years in London and New York for a City merchant bank, he returned to philosophy in 1990 as a Research Fellow of Churchill College, Cambridge. He then lectured at Sheffield University prior to moving to King's in 1996.He works on metaphysics, ethics, philosophy of law and political philosophy and on late medieval and early modern philosophy. His publications include books on free will and the theory of action and articles on ethics, political philosophy and on early modern theories of natural law. ​ He has published several books, including Free will: A very short introduction, and the Psychology of Freedom, as well as important articles on the Catholic Faith; such as the interpretation of Dignitatis Humanae and the crisis in the theology of baptism.

Our trustees

Justin Bozzino

Justin has had a long career in business and is currently part of the management team at an FTSE 250 company. He read Modern History at Oriel College, Oxford, and holds a Diploma in International Relations from the Johns Hopkins University's Bologna Centre.

Grace Bozzino

Grace has worked in schools both in France and in England and has also worked in Parliament, including for the Shadow Minister of State for Schools. She lives with her family in Bedfordshire.

Robert Colquhoun

Robert is the Director of International Campaigns for 40 Days for Life, a pro-life organisation. He has a degree in History from King’s College London, a diploma in Philosophy from the University of Leuven and an MA in Pastoral Education from Maryvale Institute. He is the author of the book: A Pure Heart Create For Me: Theology of the Body Today.

Kara Colquhoun

Kara has degrees in Biology from Royal Holloway, University of London, and Medicine from Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’ School of Medicine, London. She is a member of the Royal College of General Practitioners and works part-time as a family doctor. Kara and her family live in Bedfordshire.

Thomas Conlon

Thomas' education was in Mathematics at the universities of Belfast, Leeds, and Bristol. He is married to Theresa and has three adult sons. He has spent most of his working life in the software industry. He stopped working in software in 2003 and since then has been involved in teaching (Maths, Physics, Latin) at Chavagnes International College and pursuing a number of personal writing projects.

John Edwards

John has been a Roman Catholic all his life. Born in Liverpool, he has lived in Nottingham since 1992, and is married with 5 children. John studied Modern History at Oxford, trained as a teacher and has taught in secondary schools (mainly Catholic) for over 30 years. John holds a MA (Oxon), PGCE, NPQH, and PhD (Nottingham) in Education. Having ended his career as Principal of a C of E academy in Nottingham, he worked as a part-time Ofsted Inspector for 7 years. John is currently a voluntary pro-life coordinator for the Nottingham RC diocese, a member of the SPUC National Executive, and a committee member of the Friends of Nottingham Cathedral.

Chaplaincy at RCA

Our chaplain helps us to embed the truth and beauty of the Catholic Faith in our students' experience of learning.

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